
How To Set Up A Continental Breakfast

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If you own or operate a hotel, you know that providing breakfast for your guests is a crucial part of the guest experience. Many travelers prioritize hotels that offer breakfast, and a continental breakfast is a classic option that can be both cost-effective and appealing to a wide variety of guests. In this blog post, we'll walk you through how to set up a continental breakfast at your hotel that will leave your guests satisfied and impressed.

1. Start With The Basics

Before you get into the details of setting up your continental breakfast, it's important to make sure you have the basics covered. This means providing your guests with the essentials: coffee, tea, and juice. Make sure you have a good variety of options, including decaf coffee and herbal teas for those who prefer them. It's also a good idea to provide some basic cream and sugar options for the coffee, as well as some sliced lemon for the tea. You can serve hot beverages in coffee cups or cold drinks in drinking cups.

2. Choose Your Bread & Pastry Options

Bread and pastries are a key component of any continental breakfast. Offer a variety of options to suit different tastes and dietary needs. For example, consider providing both white and whole wheat bread, as well as bagels and croissants. You may also want to offer gluten-free or vegan options, such as gluten-free bread or vegan pastries. The great thing about bread is that it can be beautifully displayed on wooden serving trays to tempt your guests. 

3. Add Some Protein

It's important to provide some protein options to help keep your guests full and satisfied. Some popular protein options for a continental breakfast include hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, and cheese. You may also want to consider offering some breakfast meats, such as bacon or sausage, for guests who prefer a heartier breakfast.

4. Offer Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit is a healthy and refreshing addition to any continental breakfast. Consider offering a variety of options, such as sliced melon, berries, and grapes. You may also want to provide some dried fruit options, such as raisins or apricots.

5. Include Cereal

Cereal is a classic breakfast option that is easy to provide and appeals to many guests. Offer a variety of options in cereal dispensers to suit different tastes and dietary needs, such as granola, cornflakes, and oatmeal. Consider providing some non-dairy milk options, such as almond or soy milk, for guests who are lactose intolerant or prefer non-dairy options.

6. Set Up A Drink Station

In addition to coffee, tea, and juice, consider setting up a drink station with drink dispensers where guests can help themselves to water, milk, and other beverages. Make sure to provide cups, straws, and napkins at the drink station.

7. Keep It Clean

It's important to keep your continental breakfast area clean and well-stocked throughout the morning. Assign a staff member to keep an eye on the breakfast area and replenish any items that run low. Make sure to clear away used dishes and utensils regularly to keep the area tidy.

8. Make It Visually Appealing

Finally, don't forget to make your continental breakfast visually appealing. Use attractive platters to display the food, and consider adding some decorative touches such as fresh flowers or a tablecloth. A visually appealing breakfast area will make a good impression on your guests.

Impress Your Hotel Guests

Setting up a continental breakfast at your hotel is a great way to provide a convenient and appealing breakfast option for your guests. By following these tips, you can create a breakfast area that is both satisfying and visually appealing and that will leave your guests impressed and satisfied.

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