
How To Price Cakes

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Whether you're a bakery owner or home baker, you understand that setting prices for cakes is difficult because every cake you prepare is unique. For instance, you may bake a 4-tiered wedding cake with fondant figurines and a 6-inch chocolate birthday cake with mint buttercream in the same week. Would you charge both customers the same price? To understand how much to charge for cakes, we've created this informative cake pricing guide.

Should I Charge Per Serving Or Per Cake?

Most businesses in the cake industry charge cakes per serving. They typically set a starting price for a particular flavor or frosting and increase the cost depending on the designs, tiers, or colors clients request.

When charging per serving, you should consider providing clients with a cake serving guide. The guide will allow them to understand the serving sizes you're going off and the size the cake will be. It also makes it easier for you to determine the pan's length, width, and height you need to fulfill every order. Use our cake serving chart when baking cakes or give it to customers as a serving guide.

Cake Serving Chart

Round 6-Inch Cake

  • 12 party cake servings
  • 12 wedding cake servings

Square 6-Inch Cake

  • 12 party cake servings
  • 18 wedding cake servings

Round 8-Inch Cake

  • 20 party cake servings
  • 24 wedding cake servings

Square 8-Inch Cake

  • 20 party cake servings
  • 32 wedding cake servings

Round 10-Inch Cake

  • 28 party cake servings
  • 38 wedding cake servings

Square 10-Inch Cake

  • 30 party cake servings
  • 50 wedding cake servings

Round 12-Inch Cake

  • 40 party cake servings
  • 56 wedding cake servings

Square 12-Inch Cake

  • 48 party cake servings
  • 72 wedding cake servings

Round 14-Inch Cake

  • 63 party cake servings
  • 78 wedding cake servings

Square 14-Inch Cake

  • 63 party cake servings
  • 98 wedding cake servings

Round 16-Inch Cake

  • 77 party cake servings
  • 100 wedding cake servings

Square 16-Inch Cake

  • 128 wedding cake servings
  • 80 party cake servings

How Much To Charge For A Cake

The truth is that there is no clear-cut answer on how much you should charge for a cake. Bakers around the world have different starting prices per serving. For instance, a home baker in Los Angeles, CA, may have a $7 per slice starting price and a bakery in Flint, MI, may charge $2 per serving. There are numerous factors you should consider before setting a price and sending clients a cake invoice.

Cake Flavor

Most bakeries charge the same for each cake flavor. However, if a client requests a custom flavor that you may not have experience making, for example, a flavor made from out-of-season fruits or exotic spices you should consider raising the price per slice. You want to avoid purchasing expensive ingredients or spending additional time crafting a new flavor without being adequately compensated for it.

Cake Frosting

The two most popular frostings for a birthday and wedding cake are buttercream and fondant. Many bakers have two different starting price points for buttercream and fondant cakes, with fondant cakes being more expensive. Buttercream is cheaper because it's easy to make and only consists of sugar and butter. However, fondant is typically made from sugar, water, and corn syrup, and takes a lot of time to prepare. Don't be afraid to charge clients an extra fee for choosing a frosting that requires numerous ingredients and additional time to make.

Cake Shape

Most of the cake orders you receive are for round or square cakes. Many bakers charge the same per slice for a round and square cake. If a client requests a shape that requires more labor or special equipment, consider increasing the price per serving.

Cake Design

Making hand-crafted sugar flowers, figurines, or gold leaves takes a lot of time. Never forget, your time is valuable, making it essential to charge extra for clients who want to add intricate details to their cakes. When talking to clients about their vision for the cake, create a timeline to estimate how many hours you believe it will take to achieve their goal. Incorporate that timeline into the price for the cake.

pink cakes

Cake Size

The larger the cake, the more you should be charging. Larger cakes require more time to bake, frosting, and detail than smaller cakes. Charging clients the same price for a 16-inch cake as an 8-inch cake will negatively impact your profits.


It would be best if you gave thought to charge clients a delivery fee based on their distance. The further away they are from you, the more you should charge them. Delivering cakes to clients requires you to pay for gas, tolls, and it takes up your time. Offering clients free delivery may make them happy, but it will reduce your profits for each sale.


While your price should largely depend on your costs and time, you can also research competitors in your area. Look at their prices and see if your business is competitive. However, do not compare your prices to retail stores. The cakes individuals can purchase at stores are made months in advance and don't feature any elaborate decorations. Patrons reaching out to you are looking for high-quality cakes and willing to pay the price.

Should I Charge For Wedding Cake Tastings?


You will find that some competitors charge for wedding cake tastings and others do not. Many businesses that charge potential clients waive the fee if the bride and groom purchase the cake from them. Charging a fee ensures that clients visiting your business are looking for a wedding cake and not visiting for free slices of cake. If the couple ends up going with another company, they still profit from the cake tasting.

Companies that provide free cake tastings believe that it gives them a competitive advantage over those that charge a fee. They understand that couples have numerous wedding expenses and feel couples prefer purchasing cakes from shops that offer free cake samples.

Ultimately, the decision on whether or not to charge for wedding cake tastings is up to you. You could offer free samples but increase the price of your cakes. Another option is to provide free samples, but only for preselected flavors, and charge for additional flavors. Find what best fits your business model and do research on what nearby bakeries do.

Price Cakes Accordingly

It may seem more challenging to find the perfect price for your cakes than baking a 4-tiered wedding cake with handmade bows. When charging clients for cakes, remember to consider your costs, delivery distance, and time. You want to avoid setting your prices too low to ensure you profit with every cake you bake. Simply follow our detailed cake pricing guide so you feel confident about the prices you set.

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